of all employees are stressed about their finances
of all employees spend 3+ hours on the job each week dealing with financial matters
of all employees are seriously concerned about finances
Financial Stress
affects an employee's behavior, their outcomes, your mission, and ultimately your bottom line.

65% of employers who offer financial wellness training as a benefit say their employees are more engaged

61% of employers offer one or more forms of financial wellness

89% of employers who offer DFW believe their employees are less stressed and more productive

2 out of 5 employers indicated that employees’ financial issues had a high or extremely high impact on overall job performance

Employers realize a 3:1 Return on Investment from offering financial wellness training according to a PWC financial wellness survey

88% of participants find
DFW to be the most effective financial wellness training they have ever taken

We offer an unbiased, comprehensive, step-by-step solution to employee financial readiness. Upon completion, each participant will have a personalized and actionable plan designed to achieve their financial goals.

Start your journey to Destination: Financial Wellness!

When the team thinks like an owner at home, they bring that mentality to work.

When everyone at work thinks like an owner, the business culture and success is next level.

When the team thinks like an owner at home, they bring that mentality to work.

When everyone at work thinks like an owner, the business culture and success is next level.

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